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Godzilla vs. Kong had a bumpy road to release, first being scheduled for May 29, 2020, then being moved back to March 13, 2020, then November 20, 2020, and finally May 21, 2021. It was then rescheduled for March 26, 2021, before finally premiering in American cinemas on March 31, 2021. The film was also available to watch on HBO Max until April 30, 2021.

The screenplay was written by Michael Dougherty and Zach Shields, while Adam Wingard directed the film. Borenstein, Dougherty, and Shields collaborated on the script. In Godzilla vs. Kong, which takes place five years after Godzilla vs. Ghidorah, Godzilla and Kong square battle when Ghidorah goes on a rampage.

A sequel to the film is currently in the works.

Legends collide in "Godzilla vs. Kong" as two epic foes clash in a dramatic confrontation with the destiny of the planet at stake. Kong and his guards go on a treacherous trip to locate his rightful home, accompanied by Jia, a little orphaned girl with whom he has developed an unbreakable attachment. However, they unintentionally find themselves in the path of an infuriated Godzilla, who is wreaking havoc around the globe. The epic battle between the two titans, sparked by invisible powers, is merely the beginning of the mystery that lurks deep under the Earth's core.

When it comes to finding a major energy source in the Hollow Earth, Apex's founder and CEO Walter Simmons enlists the assistance of Nathan Lind, a former Monarch scientist who has now become an expert on the Hollow Earth theory. The fear of dying himself in an anti-gravity zone makes Nathan apprehensive to visit the Hollow Earth with his brother. After Walter discloses that Apex has built and developed Hollow Earth Aerial Vehicles, specialized vehicles that can survive the gravity field's pressure, he finally decides to cooperate.

Nathan flies to Skull Island to see his colleague, Monarch anthropological linguist and Jia's adoptive mother Ilene Andrews, and proposes that they use Kong as their navigator to direct them to the energy source since Skull Island can no longer hold him and let him to exist. Though Ilene first refuses, explaining that Godzilla would come for Kong as soon as he was transferred off of Skull Island, she eventually agrees when Nathan persuades her that they must go on this mission in order to end Godzilla's rampage and find Kong a new home.

It's Maia, Walter's daughter. Maia, Nathan, Ilene, and Jia are all on board a modified barge with a lightly sedated Kong chained up to keep him from getting away. One rainy night, Kong gets agitated and restless. Jia calms him down by letting her and Kong touch fingers in solidarity while Kong signs the word "home" much to Ilene's surprise. The next day, Ilene tells Nathan about how she raised Jia as her own daughter after dangerous and unpredictable storms wiped out most of the Iwi and her parents. Jia was the only survivor because Kong was the one who kept her safe, which led to the two forming a bond.

Because Godzilla has been startled by Kong's deep charges, their combat has been broken up.

Given that they cannot return Kong to Skull Island due to the cold, Nathan asks Ilene whether Kong would walk down the tube if there are others like him. Ilene urges Jia to ask Kong if his family is down there.

Meanwhile, Madison and Josh track down Bernie, who recognizes Madison as Mark's daughter and joins their inquiry, believing Apex was involved in Godzilla's behavior shift. They slip inside the devastated Apex facility together, only to discover that the "eye" Bernie mentioned earlier has vanished. As they find a mysterious facility deep down, the gang is accidentally imprisoned in and transported to Hong Kong by an antigravity transport vehicle transporting Skullcrawler eggs.

There, the three disembark and find themselves in a huge dark room. They see Apex's most powerful weapon, "Mechagodzilla" which is a mechanized version of Godzilla controlled by the late Dr. Ishiro Serizawa's son and Walter's chief technology officer, Ren Serizawa, who is also his father. Mechagodzilla is put to the test as soon as the mecha is turned on. Walter unleashes a large adult Skullcrawler, codenamed "Number 10" into the room. Skullcrawler is about to attack Madison, Josh, and Bernie when it is grabbed by Mechagodzilla. Mechagodzilla uses a powerful red energy beam to cut the creature in half, allowing Madison, Josh, and Bernie to hide in a small hole in the ground. There are limits to how much power the mecha can use, so the test is cut short when the mecha shuts down right away because of them.

Within the Hollow Earth, there is an ecosystem that is comparable to Skull Island. In the process of examining the region, they come under attack by two Warbats, one of which takes out one of the HEAVs. As a result of killing the first Warbat and slinging its corpse onto the second, which staggers it for a moment before recovering and constricting itself around him, Kong rescues the party. In the moments before suffocating Kong, Nathan and his crew launched a HEAV assault on the Warbat, enabling Kong to escape and hammer the monster to death before eating its guts for food.

Kong and Nathan's squad then begin their quest, finally arriving at a massive stone temple that belonged to Kong's forefathers. They discover remnants of an old struggle between Kong's and Godzilla's races as they explore the inside, and Kong discovers an ancient axe crafted from a dorsal plate of a dead member of Godzilla's species before settling upon a massive throne. Kong discovers that the same power source that Nathan's team needs to increase Mechagodzilla's power supply can also recharge Kong's axe. Despite Ilene's protests that Apex cannot just grab the discovery of the century, Maia and the Apex crew utilize spider-like drones to collect the power source and transport it back to their Hong Kong headquarters. Maia orders her soldiers to fire at Nathan's crew, but Kong screams passionately in defense. Meanwhile, Mechagodzilla sends a signal to Godzilla, who detects the machine's activation and rushes towards Hong Kong.

Kong accepts Godzilla's challenge and begins to go to Hong Kong with his axe, while Ilene, Nathan, and Jia follow in their HEAV, a hole produced by Godzilla's atomic breath. When Kong confronts Godzilla again in Hong Kong, he obtains the upper hand and shoves his axe down Godzilla's throat, stopping him from launching his atomic breath. Kong uses his axe to hurt Godzilla in the thigh, but Godzilla removes and discards the axe. Kong recovers his axe and brings it down on Godzilla, causing an explosion that pushes both Titans back, giving Nathan the impression that Kong had won the second round of the battle against Godzilla.

Godzilla is so taken aback by Kong's power and skill that he spares his life and walks away, leaving him alive but severely injured.

The energy source and Ghidorah's brain networks cause Mechagodzilla to go berserk, killing Walter with a sweep of its hand and electrocuting Ren. Mechagodzilla escapes the Apex facility under Victoria Peak Mountain and rampages around the city before Godzilla tackles it. As Mechagodzilla approaches Godzilla, it begins a missile barrage at its biological counterpart.

After waking up, Kong sees the fight between Godzilla and Mechagodzilla before encountering Jia, who attempts to persuade Kong that Godzilla isn't truly his opponent. Though Kong first does not believe her as he continues to witness Godzilla being annihilated by Mechagodzilla, Jia eventually convinces him that the robot is the "real" adversary, not Godzilla. After a brief moment of hesitation, Kong agrees and sets aside his animosity before marching into combat to assist Godzilla while repairing his dislocated arm.

The two Titans work together to change the tide, but the robot outsmarts them and defeats them. Kong reclaims his axe from the ruins after losing it during his previous encounter with Godzilla, and strikes numerous blows on Mechagodzilla, but his weapon has lost its charge, and his weapon is worthless against the robot, which seeks to kill Kong with its tail drill. All appears lost for Kong and Godzilla, while Bernie, recognizing he and the others have no choice but to drink, takes out a flask of bourbon and suggests they all have a drink. Josh, however, rips the flask from Bernie's grip and short-circuits Mechagodzilla's controls by dumping the contents of the drink all over the control panel, causing Mechagodzilla to halt for a brief while, allowing Godzilla and Kong to regroup and reclaim the upper hand.

The atomic breath of Godzilla powers up Kong's axe as soon as he sees him wield it, enabling Kong to dismember Mechagodzilla and remove its head before raising his trophy in victory and taking a seat to relax.

Later on, Monarch constructed an observation post in the Hollow Earth. Kong is seen by Ilene, Nathan, and Jia on his morning walk. Kong climbs atop a rock, banging his chest and embracing Jia as his new home and realm in his screaming proclamation of himself as King of the Hollow Earth.

Kong, like Godzilla, jumps from ship to ship in order to avoid an angel.

It is comparable to a sequence in which Eva Unit-02 hops from ship to ship while attempting to dodge an angel, which takes place in the same film as Godzilla's jump from ship to ship.

The location where Mechagodzilla is stationed, which is subterranean and topped by a pyramid, is reminiscent of the Central Dogma, which is also underground and topped by a pyramid.


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